Leading Edge Power designs and supplies complete off-grid power solutions for use in remote locations. Working in the renewable energy industry, we recognize the importance of sustainable working practices within our business and are committed to leading the industry in minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.
To achieve this, our environmental strategy actions include:
- Sourcing and promoting a product range that minimises the environmental impact of generating power for off-grid equipment by replacing fossil fuels with clean, renewable energy.
- Minimising waste production by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible. All our packaging is reused or easily recyclable – we repurpose incoming packaging for our outgoing parcels and have switched plastics for carboard alternatives. Additionally, we encourage our suppliers to do the same where possible.
- Minimising toxic emissions generated by transportation. We ship carbon neutral and source our system components and materials locally, within a 50 mile radius where possible.
- Reducing energy consumption at our office headquarters using the solar and wind power sourced on site, even our space heating is supplied from our own sustainable woodland. Staff are encouraged to be aware of the energy they use, incorporating energy management strategies into work procedures.
- Maximising the reuse and recycling of materials through implementation of an office paper and plastics recycling scheme - we actively promote recycling both internally and amongst our customers and suppliers. All our printing is onto recycled paper and any waste paper we have fuels our log burner or is recycled
- Raising staff awareness on how to reduce their individual carbon footprints at home. We encourage our staff to follow the principles of re-using and recycling products, reducing energy consumption and using energy efficient transport options.
- Meeting and striving to exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company whilst having the environment at the forefront of our industry.
Leading Edge Power commits to continually improve our environmental performance and strives to achieve this to maximum capability.