We’ve just said goodbye to two talented young engineers as they return to Swansea University having spent the summer getting valuable hands-on experience.
This is part of Leading Edge’s support for those starting out on their career, mentoring them and helping them learn soft skills needed in the workplace such as team building and co-working.

Florence Mayo and Oliver Newton-Coombs who have just left were able to become immersed in research and development, combining hands on production and experimentation with a constant stream of discussion between co-workers to find new, better way of doing things.
“I’ve enjoyed my time working practically making off-grid power solutions,” said Florence. “Every engineer should have hands on knowledge and experience of their systems, as this is the only way we can truly understand and improve them.”
"Being my first "in industry" job, it provided an invaluable insight into the working world, and gave me the perfect opportunity to explore what I can do with my skills, knowledge and degree, as well as what I do and don't like," said Oliver.
David Sully, Managing Director of Leading Edge mentored young engineers during his time at GB Sol and while a Scout Explorer leader. The two bright young people he worked with have gone to graduate with Honours degrees in Engineering and now have careers in large engineering companies.